Baby Carriers and Wrap Slings Tested by DIDY-Parents
Our most important critics are you, the parents, the mothers, fathers and all babywearers. Your suggestions impacts the development of baby slings and baby carriers and are very important to us.
But it is also important for you to know how others rate our baby carriers. All tests in this section are written by parents who like to use baby carriers a lot, who enjoy testing them and who have also sent us photos and sometimes videos.
Would you also like to write a review of DIDYMOS baby carriers or accessories? Each published test report will be rewarded with a voucher for 20 euros.
1 June 2023
Wir sind sehr angetan von der Handhabung, Bequemlichkeit und der Tragemöglichkeit ...
24 July 2022
These trousers are soft, comfy, easy to launder, and fit both disposable and cloth diapered bums
13 July 2022
Essentially, the redesign of the waistband naturally counteracts little mistakes that are easy to make when you're a beginner or rushed
8 July 2022
...a nod to the style of the ‘70s, when Didymos first began.
26 April 2022
"Eine tolle Halfbuckle Tragehilfe, die mir den Einstieg ins Rückentragen sehr erleichtert hat. "
22 April 2022
"I really like soft wraps, and Poppies turned out to be a very pleasant surprise for me"
22 April 2022
"My son is 18 months old now, and I can wear him in Urban Chic well into toddlerhood."
22 April 2022
"It was exactly what we needed to carry a toddler!"
19 April 2022
DidyGo ist die perfekte Ergänzung zum Tuch oder einer anderen Tragehilfe
10 February 2022
"... ein wunderbares Allrounder-Tragetuch, das in der gesamten Tragzeit Freude macht. "
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