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Expert's Opinions
Babywearing is healthy, promotes development, strengthens basic trust and plays an important part in bonding. But is all this well documented?
But what if your neighbour says "the child is spoiled" or your sister-in-law predicts "he will never learn to walk"?
We all know these comments and even if you are sure of what you are saying, sometimes there is a pant of uncertainty. So that you can face these comments armed with knowledge, we have compiled a selection of expert statements and opinions here as PDF documents for you, so that you can also easily print them out and pass them on.
Do you know of someone who is missing here and should definitely be added?
Then send us an e-mail at mail@didymos.de - we are always grateful for tips.
Hilke Engel-Majer, Physiotherapist "It is my opinion that these children should be carried as the effect of the movement and the reaction to the change in position can have a positive effect on their condition." >> read the full article
Carrying of infants and small children
Dr. Eckhard Bonnet, Specialist in Paediatrics "The rhythmical movement also makes the child more relaxed and it can for instance fall asleep or digest its food more easily. The acupressure points against problems of digestion or sleep, which are located on the belly and on the lower insides of the thighs, are automatically massaged." >> read the full article
Unfounded fear of postural damage by carrying
Dr. Evelin Kirkilionis, Behavioural Biologist "The number of postural abnormalities in the children of the study does not exceed the percentage of such abnormalities of children at school starting age. This shows that the fear of postural damage is unfounded. There is therefore no need to fear spinal damage in the children." >> read the full article
Good Reasons for Carrying Children
Dr. Ewald Fettweis, Orthopaedist "In particular the hip joints of infants are often still immature at the time of their birth and can still be damaged if the environmental conditions demanded by nature are not observed. However, they are ideally formed for being carried in the sling. >> read the full article
Crying for no obvious reason
Remo H. Largo, Professor of Paediatrics "A recent study has shown, that repeated carrying for three hours per day leads to a considerable reduction of crying." >> read the full article
From a physiotherapeutic point of view
Hilke Engel-Majer, Physiotherapist "Children with central coordination disorders or delayed development are subjected to facilitative stimuli when carried in a wrap. [...] "Stiff" children become softer and more flexible due to the constant movement." >> read the full article
Carrying in clinical practice
Dr. Waltraud Stening, University Clinic Cologne "In 1991 this physical contact regime led to us encourage the parents to carry their children while walking around in the grounds of the clinic. This practise is now so established, that there are around 10 baby slings to one pram on the ward." >> read the full article