Baby Carriers
Apart from traditional baby wraps, there is a wide variety of carrying devices that have been in use for centuries. Versatile and popular, these baby carriers usually consist of two shoulder straps, a piece of cloth to hold the baby and a waist belt that holds and distributes baby‘s weight.
There are many different types of carriers such as the so called Wrap Cons (Wrap Conversions), Half Buckles (with a waist belt secured with a clip buckle) or Full Buckles (with shoulder straps and waist belt secured with clip buckles).
In 2005, we started to develop our DIDYMOS baby carriers line so that, over the years, we have step by step added additional styles of carriers to our catalogue.
Grab your DidyKlick 4u and you’re good to go
The ready-to-use carrier with a convenient waist belt and clip-buckle >> more
The one-size carrier: Didy Meh-Dai
Handy one-size carrier for adventurers big and small >> more
DidySnap 4u: A soft-structured Baby Carrier
A full buckle baby carrier with two fastening systems to ensure your child is held and fully supported in the anatomically optimal position. >> more
The quick back carrier: Didy Onbuhimo
The Onbuhimo without a waistbelt. Made for children who can sit unassisted. >> more
DidyFix - Baby Carrier
The comfort carrier (fullbuckle) is quickly put on. Plug, click, ready. >> more
Baby Carrier Comparison
Not quite sure which carrier is the right one for you?
We have compared the different options in a chart.
Go to the Baby Carrier Comparison