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DIDYMOS Kangaroo Sling
Every child needs a great deal of love and affection. And for premature babies, warmth and security are particularly important. We developed the DIDYMOS kangaroo sling in cooperation with the neonatal unit of Stuttgart’s Olga Hospital to support parents of premature babies in this phase of their lives.
The DIDYMOS kangaroo sling or bonding top enables parents to get right up close to their babies, holding them safely and securely against their chest, maximizing skin-on-skin contact. This gives you as parents the best chance of conveying a valuable sense of comfort, peace, and security to your child and of doing something active for your premature baby.
The sling is available for the pregnant person and baby to use in the maternity room or after a caesarean section, meeting the hospital’s high hygiene standards in the process.
You will also find more information in our flyer.
Didy tip
In order to continue carrying your delicate premature baby safely and securely after your time in the hospital, we recommend that you use our finely knitted DIDYMOS jersey sling. Alternatively, you could also use a narrower premature baby sling, a lighter sling such as a DoubleFace wrap sling, or a silk warp sling.