Emma of Adventure Woven In tested our Didy Onbuhimo Zephyr

“[…] I’ve enjoyed Didymos’ onbuhimo more than I expected. It’s so light and compact – it doesn’t take up much space in my bag, and barely adds any weight. I found it really helpful for running errands, when short ups are often required. I’d normally stash a ring sling in my bag for these occasions, but it’s actually more useful to have my toddler on my back – so the DidyGo is a great alternative. It’s so easy to put on, I found it just as fast as using a ring sling. And even better than a ring sling: my toddler couldn’t pop his seat in the onbuhimo.
So that’s the carrier: how about the wrap fabric? I’d seen photos of Zephyr and thought it looked lovely, but my word, they didn’t do it justice! This is an absolutely stunning design. I love how the segmented star design adds the impression of depth, and the way in which the stars interlock is fascinating to look at. The colours are just amazing – they’re not a traditional, primary set of rainbow colours, but neither are they pastel. Rather, they’re just ever so slightly soft or muted, with a hint of vintage colouring. I absolutely adore it.”
To read the complete review, please visit Adventure Woven In.